Key benefits

Purpose-built homes icon Purpose-built homes for students, key workers, professionals, and older people
homes icon Addressing the growing need for new homes without relying on greenfield land
regeneration icon Regeneration of a prominent brownfield site, including re-provision of retail space
outdoor communal and green spaces icon Outdoor communal and green spaces to promote well-being and community
exemplar design icon Place-based approach with exemplar design
BREEAM icon BREEAM* Outstanding aspiration * Sustainable building certification
biodiversity net gain icon Biodiversity net gain, including potential for surface water run-off
River Foss frontage icon Enhancements to the River Foss frontage
Renewable energy technology icon Renewable energy technology
economic benefits icon Direct and indirect economic benefits through the build and operation
Low-car development icon Low-car development
Sustainable travel options icon Sustainable travel options